
Journey Through the Deep

With this collection, she takes it back to her love for nature. She is engulfed by the sheer depth of the ocean, captivating her every desire and sparking curiosity for the unknown. The surging and retreating sound of the waves with the salty smell of sea in the air, intrigues most. We are familiar with the surface of the ocean, yet what lies deep beneath allures and seduces her soul.

She draws inspiration from the coral reefs to the trenches of the deep blue – The Undiscovered, The Calm, The Peace. No one can reach her in this serene sanctuary. It is a place of absolute tranquility.

She is fascinated by sea creatures, especially the octopus and the jellyfish with their variable shades of colour and movement in the mystical ocean deep. At first, fragile but strength builds up just as the tide grows in power. The jellyfish is often referred to as Medusa, the icon of the female gaze, sexuality, and power. The octopus is fierce and flawless; it runs, hides and changes colour to avoid capture, yet when need be, it turns into a predator.

With this collection, she explores the layers of female complexities, returning to nature to discover strength, vibrancy and a desire to be heard. She fights her fears and emancipates with a boldness and confidence that embraces the newer, freer ‘Her’ as the Eki Girl.
This is a journey of every woman’s self-discovery.

ekiorleans silk dress
Eki Orleans africanluxury